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Jacek Szewczyk otrzymał nagrodę The Distinguished Instructor Award
jako jeden z trzydziestu najbardziej wpływowych instruktorów na całym świecie,
którzy edukują na najwyższym poziomie w wielu dziedzinach Cisco.
Jacek prowadzi szkolenia z Enterprise Networking, Service Provider i Collaboration.

Marcin Gorol otrzymał nagrodę Instructor Excellence Award w dziedzinie Security.

Dodam że naszemu trzeciemu instruktorowi też niczego nie brakuje.
Łukasz Daczkowski szkoli z technologii Enterprise Wireless.

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Cisco Learning Credits

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najbliższe szkolenia

14.10.2024 - 18.10.2024

ENCOR - Implementing Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies

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najbliższe szkolenia

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BGP 4.1

Configuring BGP on Cisco Routers

od 18.03.2024 do 22.03.2024

Cena: 7000 PLN netto



Rejestracja on-line Formularz kontaktowy

Typ: Szkolenie z instruktorem w jęz. polskim

Czas trwania (dni): 5

Instruktor: Jacek Szewczyk CCIE

Cena: 7000 PLN netto

Szkolenie Configuring BGP on Cisco Routers (BGP) v.4.0 uczy podstaw Internetu oraz technologii nowego świata, takich jak Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS). Przygotowuje uczestników do projektowania i wdrażania wydajnych, optymalnych i bezproblemowych sieci BGP obejmujących:

  • Teorię BGP i konfigurację BGP na routerach Cisco IOS
  • Szczegółowe informacje dotyczące rozwiązywania problemów i ćwiczenia praktyczne, które zapewniają studentom umiejętności potrzebne do konfiguracji i rozwiązywania problemów z sieciami BGP w środowiskach klientów
  • Problemy związane z projektowaniem sieci BGP i zasady korzystania z różnych funkcji BGP


The Configuring BGP on Cisco Routers training teaches the underlying foundations of the Internet and new-world technologies such as Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS). It prepares students to design and implement efficient, optimal, and trouble-free BGP networks covering:

  • The theory of BGP and configuration of BGP on Cisco IOS routers
  • Detailed troubleshooting information and hands-on exercises that provide students with the skills needed to configure and troubleshoot BGP networks in customer environments
  • BGP network design issues and usage rules for various BGP features

Who Should Enroll

  • Network administrators
  • Network engineers
  • Network managers
  • Systems engineers (who would like to implement BGP)

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe how to configure, monitor, and troubleshoot basic BGP to enable interdomain routing in a network scenario with multiple domains
  • Describe how to use BGP policy controls to influence the BGP route selection process in a network scenario in which you must support connections to multiple ISPs
  • Describe how to use BGP attributes to influence the route selection process in a network scenario where you must support multiple connections.
  • Describe how to successfully connect the customer network to the Internet in a network scenario in which multiple connections must be implemented
  • Describe how to configure the service provider network to behave as a transit AS in a typical implementation with multiple BGP connections to other autonomous systems.
  • Enable route reflection as possible solution to BGP scaling issues in a typical service provider network with multiple BGP connections to other autonomous systems.
  • Describe the available BGP tools and features to optimize the scalability of the BGP routing protocol in a typical BGP network

Course Prerequisites

The knowledge and skills that a learner must have before attending this course are as follows:

  • Intermediate to advanced knowledge of Cisco IOS Software configuration
  • Configuring and troubleshooting RIP, EIGRP, OSPF and IS-IS
  • Skills and knowledge equivalent to those learned in:
    • Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions (CCNA)
    • Implementing Cisco Advanced Routing and Services (ENARSI)
    • Implementing and Operating Cisco Service Provider Core Technologies (SPCOR)

Course Outline

  • Module 1: BGP Overview
  • Module 2: BGP Transit Autonomous Systems
  • Module 3: Route Selection Using Policy Controls
  • Module 4: Route Selection Using Attributes
  • Module 5: Customer to Provider Connectivity with BGP
  • Module 6: Scaling Service Provider Networks
  • Module 7: Optimizing BGP Scalability

Lab Outline

  • Discovery 1: Configure Basic BGP
  • Discovery 2: Announcing Networks in BGP
  • Discovery 3: Implement BGP TTL Security Check
  • Discovery 4: BGP Route Propagation
  • Discovery 5: IBGP Full Mesh
  • Discovery 6: BGP Administrative Distance
  • Discovery 7: Configure Non-Transit Autonomous System
  • Discovery 8: Filtering Customer Prefixes
  • Discovery 9: Prefix-Based Outbound Route Filtering
  • Discovery 10: Configure Route Maps as BGP Filters
  • Discovery 11: Configure Per-Neighbor Weights
  • Discovery 12: Configure and Monitor Local Preference
  • Discovery 13: Configure Local Preference Using Route Maps
  • Discovery 14: Configure AS Path Prepending
  • Discovery 15: Configure MED
  • Discovery 16: Configure Local Preference Using the Communities
  • Discovery 17: Configure Route Reflector
  • Discovery 18: Configure BGP Route Limiting
  • Discovery 19: Configure BGP Peer Groups