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Marcin Gorol otrzymał nagrodę Instructor Excellence Award w dziedzinie Security.

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14.10.2024 - 18.10.2024

ENCOR - Implementing Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies

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Protecting Against Malware Threats with Cisco AMP for Endpoints

od do

Cena: PLN netto



Rejestracja on-line Formularz kontaktowy

Typ: Szkolenie z instruktorem w jęz. polskim

Czas trwania (dni): 3

Instruktor: Marcin Gorol

Kurs Protecting Against Malware Threats with Cisco AMP for Endpoints (SSFAMP) v6.0 pokazuje jak wdrożyć i używać Cisco® AMP for Endpoints, rozwiązania bezpieczeństwa punktów końcowych nowej generacji, które zapobiega, wykrywa i reaguje na zaawansowane zagrożenia. Dzięki instrukcjom ekspertów i praktycznym ćwiczeniom laboratoryjnym dowiesz się, jak wdrożyć i używać tego potężnego rozwiązania poprzez kilka scenariuszy ataków krok po kroku. Dowiesz się, jak zbudować i zarządzać wdrożeniem Cisco AMP for Endpoints, tworzyć polityki dla grup punktów końcowych i wdrażać łączniki. Przeanalizujesz również wykrycia złośliwego oprogramowania za pomocą narzędzi dostępnych w konsoli AMP for Endpoints.


How you’ll benefit

This class will help you:

  • Learn how to deploy and manage Cisco AMP for Endpoints
  • Succeed in today’s high-demand security operations roles

Who should enroll

  • Cisco integrators, resellers, and partners
  • Network administrators
  • Security administrators
  • Security consultants
  • Systems engineers
  • Technical support personnel

Course Objectives

After taking this course, you should be able to:

  • Identify the key components and methodologies of Cisco Advanced Malware Protection (AMP)
  • Recognize the key features and concepts of the AMP for Endpoints product
  • Navigate the AMP for Endpoints console interface and perform first-use setup tasks
  • Identify and use the primary analysis features of AMP for Endpoints
  • Use the AMP for Endpoints tools to analyze a compromised host
  • Analyze files and events by using the AMP for Endpoints console and be able to produce threat reports
  • Configure and customize AMP for Endpoints to perform malware detection
  • Create and configure a policy for AMP-protected endpoints
  • Plan, deploy, and troubleshoot an AMP for Endpoints installation
  • Use Cisco Orbital to pull query data from installed AMP for Endpoints connectors.
  • Describe the AMP Representational State Transfer (REST) API and the fundamentals of its use
  • Describe all the features of the Accounts menu for both public and private cloud installations

Course Prerequisites

To fully benefit from this course, you should have the following knowledge and skills:

  • Technical understanding of TCP/IP networking and network architecture
  • Technical understanding of security concepts and protocols

The recommended Cisco offering may help you meet these prerequisites:

  • Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions (CCNA)

Course outline

  • Introducing to Cisco AMP Technologies
  • Introducing AMP for Endpoints Overview and Architecture
  • Navigating the Console Interface
  • Using Cisco AMP for Endpoints
  • Identifying Attacks
  • Analyzing Malware
  • Managing Outbreak Control
  • Creating Endpoint Policies
  • Working with AMP for Endpoint Groups
  • Using Orbital for Endpoint Visibility
  • Introducing AMP REST API
  • Navigating Accounts

Lab outline

  • Amp Account Self-Registration
  • Accessing AMP for Endpoints
  • Attack Scenario
  • Analysis Tools and Reporting
  • Outbreak Control
  • Endpoint Policies
  • Groups and Deployment
  • Testing Your Configuration
  • Endpoint Visibility Using Orbital
  • Endpoint Isolation Using Cisco AMP API
  • User Accounts